Friday, September 3, 2010

Acorn Popping

They’re everywhere. Bright green and yellow. Shiny and smooth as silk. Acorns. If robins are harbingers of Spring, then acorns are the messengers of Fall. How lovely! I’ve never met a person who didn’t like Fall. The scent of the Earth bearing up Her last harvest for the year. Hot days followed by chilly nights and crisp mornings. And the mighty oak, adorned in fat little acorns. I sat below the shade of a massive tree the other day. A gentle breeze blew across the fields and i fell into an idyllic trance. You know what i’m talking about? Like when we were kids. Sitting there with not a care in the world. Just absorbing the wonderfulness of the moment. Though we never thought of it like that. We were just killing time, twisting long pieces of grass in our hands and making braids. Or drawing doodles in the sand with a twig.

The afternoon was like that, a soft, sweet and lazy daydream. I was lost in my trance when a sudden burst of wind shook the tree. And then Fall happened. Acorns were popping. Pop, pop, popping. Little Buddha bellies poked out from their pods, then – POP! Off they went! Jumping to the ground and bouncing in the leaves. I smiled and laughter. They danced all around – like children showing off. “Look how high i can bounce!” It was a magical afternoon. Tender and sweet. Like children. Like Fall.

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