Thursday, July 28, 2011


Evil things really.  Or rather not evil so much as an illusionary dream of dreams.  And we have so many of them - the cancer of fantasy.  They run rampant through our thoughts.

Foolish - we base our lives on imagined occurances.  We imagine we will be rich - so we spend every penny because we believe money will always be there.  We imagine the worse will happen so we hoard every penny, take no chances, cause no waves; we try nothing new.  Etiher way - our expectations chain us to patterns of thought.  We believe these patterns to be real.

You have a relationship problem.  You think, "I will say this.  Then he or she will say that.  Then i will say this.  Then my partner will understand everything, apologize, and all will be smiles again."  Great expectations.  How is it that we believe we know what another person is going to say?  We don't know what WE will say the next moment.

We have an extraordinary inability to see WHAT  IS and to not take it any further than that.  It's like we can't leave it alone.  We have to keep worrying with it.  Fidgeting with reality till we distort it to something we think we want.  No wonder we are so disappointed.

I was fascinated by the first Matrix movie.  I thought, "Yes!  There it is in a super sexy black leather overcoat - we are asleep."  We are only dreaming of a world we wished to be.  But we aren't really in it - we aren't really touching that world with our full senses.  We are too busy dreaming to be bothered with a thing called Reality.


  1. 'Just be.'
    There was a photograph all yellowed out (I can't remember what the name of that affect is) of a girl running through a field of wildflowers. The viewer saw her back, running Away from them or maybe Onward to something. There were words in a cursive script added to the photograph, but the only ones I remember are, "just be."
    Since that piece of art I've been trying to understand that concept. Live, move, explore, strive, and 'just be.' Don't worry. Don't anticipate. But then what do you do. Exactly what you are doing now. Moment to moment. Fill it up. And 'just be.' It's so hard to live that way with the way society works. And I can't always dissect between moments, because sometimes they blur all together. But even then 'just be.' It's scary to 'just be.' What will happen? How will I...? But I gotta! Multiple decisions are running through your mind for the next moment and it's almost too late and you have to either jump or turn back or you'll be stuck forever on the precipice scared.

  2. Myewz - well said! ;-) "Just be" is a work in progress. And like everything else in our lives, some days we get it, and others we don't. If a person has made any attempts at awareness - well - that's more than most. Yah! But we have to be aware first - else we can't see how to "just be." And our little minds wander, wander, wander, running from one "what if" scenario to another... A hard path, but waking up to what is Real is worth the work...

    There is a book called, "Wake Up To Your Life" by Ken McLeod which is quite good. It's actually a workbook - not just a casual read. You might like that.
