Monday, October 4, 2010

The Strength of Women

I am always awe-struck and heart-warmingly pleased when i see a woman – of any age – reach down inside herself and find that she is strong. And it’s not just physical strength that i speak, but that courage you find when everything is laying on the line. That moment comes and you know there’s no one but you to make it happen. All your family, all your friends, and all those who have helped you along your path fade into the background. And the Woman steps forward, into the limelight, all on her own, no ones strength but hers, no ones fears but the shadows in her heart, no ones doubts but those monsters which she alone must overcome.

When i see women put everything they have – their minds, bodies, emotions – into lifting themselves off the floor, meeting every obstacle head-on, and rising into the heavens, i weep. Because i am proud, right down to the core, to be one of them – a Woman.

This is not about winning or losing. It’s never about that. The only thing that matters, is that you tried. Despite your doubts and fears, you gave more than you knew you had and then some.

There are no weak women, only women who have not yet discovered their strengths…

This piece was inspired by and written for one of my best friends – Julie Diss. You will always soar in my heart.

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